article gave me all the feels today. It speaks to the courage of one woman but
really speaks about all women because we have each taken a bold leap of faith
at some point in our lives. I also happen to read it on the day the 116th
Congress swore in a record breaking 127 women in to office which is a
monumental milestone.
Me somewhere in Cappadocia |
It is
of no surprise that travel is my first love. I say that often and with pride.
But I don't think anyone has ever asked my why. Reading this article brought up
all the reasons in one sitting over dinner and I couldn't stop beaming as I
glanced over at my husband and son. You see travel is the best life lesson I
have ever had. I have learned more about myself on trips than I have living the
day to day.
Yuan won the trip of a lifetime courtesy of the New York Times. They sent her
to all of the 52 places to visit in 2018 and she got to cover them. After
traveling for a year she had seven lessons to share. As I read her lessons, I
couldn't help but think back to my earlier travel days and the lessons I learned as a
No. 1: A year is short
remember when I decided to take six months off and move to Cambodia to
volunteer. I knew the time would fly by but many around me were worried.
Wasn't I scared to leave my life behind for six months? To be without my
husband? To quit my job? Six months came and went much quicker than I could
have ever anticipated. Technology allowed me to stay in touch with my loved
ones on a daily basis. The hardest part was not being able to hug or kiss my
husband and I am so grateful that he understood why I needed to do this for
My apt in Birmingham, England |
No. 2: Know thy logistical self
I was moving to England, it was the first time I would ever be living by myself
in a place of my own. I was a little too ambitious and being Pakistani I had to
be extra prepared. My mom helped me pack dishes, pots, cutlery, along with
clothes and other essentials. Two suitcases and a carryon later I was off! Well
my thrifty self did not purchase a direct ticket and had a layover in
Amsterdam. This layover was also where I needed to grab ALL my bags
and recheck them for Birmingham. Navigating this was not as easy as I
thought it would be. One of my bags rolled down the escalator and I was at the
mercy of a complete kind stranger who brought up my tumbling bag to me. He didn't
have to. I now only travel with a carryon or pieces I
can carry with my two hands.
No. 3: Develop your superpower
Jada, I used to be able to sleep anywhere, under any condition. My best friend
hated me for it. It allowed me to wake up refreshed and ready to go no matter
the conditions of the journey. This was always helpful when there were only a
limited number of hours/days in any given city.
won't try fruit but I tried a whole lot more during my travels. Couchsurfing.
Being vulnerable with complete strangers. Bunjee jumping. Crash landing in a
hot air balloon. Riding in a scooter and crashing but still managing to see a
beautiful sunset. Taking a train alone in India. Eating all the street food. I have
not regretted a single one of these decisions.
No. 5: Learn what safe means to you
gut is something I adamantly listen to even if it is annoying at times. As a solo
female traveler, I may have erred on the side of over precautious at times but
I always went with safe rather than sorry. Everyone has different barometers
and that is ok so long as you listen because you know you best.
Strangers who became friends |
No. 6: Still, talk to strangers
stranger let me live with her for a whole week! While I had couch
surfed plenty of times, I had never moved in with a complete stranger.
That's exactly what happened in Cambodia on my first day at work. I had an
apartment lined up but after arriving discovered that my landlord decided to
gift it to his newly married son. And so I was homeless. I shared this with my
new co-workers and one of them, Anjana, offered her bed to me while I looked
for another place. So for seven days I shared a bed with a girl I had just met
and it reaffirmed that the world is an inherently kind place. Many strangers, like Anjana, have become some of my closest friends and I would have never
met them had I not talked to a stranger.
No. 7: Alone does not mean lonely
why am I telling you all of this? Well I hope it convinces you to take that
trip you always wanted to but found a million excuses not to or to go somewhere
where everyone else thinks you are crazy for doing so. I guarantee the trip
will change you for the better. The bigger issue is you'll never want to
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